With the pandemic and all, I’ve fallen behind in all the tasks on my writing list. I want to take down FORBIDDEN PLAYGROUND and DANCING DRAGONS from my LEGENDS OF THE GOLDENS SERIES of paranormal romances and post them as webnovels.

I’ve decided the best way to take care of my unfinished, unpublished (or to-be-republished) works is to distribute them (dialing down the sexual content) as webnovels to my YA/NA audience and maybe they can help me find my unique audience. Since I need to edit the works and arrange the chapters optimally, I thought this might be the best and most efficient way to do it.

So far, I’m publishing one chapter at a time of my WIP on Royal Road (https://www.royalroad.com/author-dashboard/dashboard?id=53303). I’m calling it KISSING: THE RPG GATEWAY DRUG, and it’s about an artificial intelligence becoming aware and growing up in the midst of government agents who want to shut him down.

Other stories BROKEN HALLELUJAH (a contemporary romance about a firechief with PTSD and his best friend, an emergency physician who’s out of his reach, to be married to his best friend).

If my mostly written novels get some audience feedback, I’ll publish BAZOOKA TIME MACHINE and OTHER (both sci-fis) in the same way.

I’ve chosen three publishers (Carina, Blushing Books, and Sourcebooks) to send my space opera SPACE FOR US to, so that’s basically my plan for my unpublished novels.

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